Taco Loco Mexican Restaurant

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Our restaurant is serving most Mexican-type dishes, from  chilli con carne  and  burritos to enchiladas, and tacos, having a wide variety of fillings, such as beef, chicken and spinach. We also serve a variety if fresh Mexican salads with various dressings.
Our range of Mexican soups includes "Sopa de elote y leche" and "Tortilla Soup", which are very appreciated.
Some of the most popular dishes enjoyed by our clients are "Enchiladas con espinacas" and "Enchiladas de gringos", which are served with salads and side dishes.The alcoholic beverages we serve include Tequila, Whisky, Stella Artois beer and a full range of Romanian quality wines. 
Restaurantul nostru serveste toata gama mancarurilor mexicane, de la chilli con carne si burritos, la enchiladas si tacos, cu umpluturi diferite precum carne de vita, carne de pui sau spanac.
Supele cele mai cautate de clienti sunt "Sopa de elote y leche" (supa de cartofi) si "Tortila soup".
La acestea se adauga o gama variata de salate mexicane proaspete, servite cu o varietate de sosuri.
Bauturile alcoolice pe care le servim includ tequila, whisky, bere Stella Artois, precum si o gama completa de vinuri de calitate din podgoriile romanesti.
Va asteptam la Taco Loco !

Taco Loco Mexican Restaurant
Spl. T.Vladimirescu - langa Consulatul German Timisoara ~ Romania ~ Tel: +40-256-20.43.33